Monday, February 13, 2017

Cydia Download iOS 10.2.1 - Jailbreak iOS 10 Updates

TaiG’s Cydia download 10.2.1 is now at the peak of its betas. In fact, soon in near days, TaiG will come with the final build of Cydia download which promises to work for iOS 10 - iOS 10.2.1 jailbreak. But if you have taken the upgrade 10.2.1, what could be the state of jailbreak and Cydia up in future? Will the same Cydia download go to add support for Cydia download iOS 10.2.1? If you are struggling with the doubts, check out my posts for brief facts where I have put all fresh updates in a single post. So let’s have a walk through all about jailbreak iOS 10.2.1 and Cydia seeing a new tool arrival just days away.

Cydia Download iOS 10.2.1

iOS 10.2.1 Now Signing for iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch as Apple closed the signing Window for older firmware, iOS 10.2.1 is the version only signs for now. So those who signs new will get iOS 10.2.1 on iPhone, iPad or iPod touch which introduces fixes and security improvements to the operating system. In fact, iOS 10.2.1 comes especially addressing issues met at the time of iOS 10.2 previous.

Upgrading 10.2.1 is extremely good for a stable iOS run. But if you give priority to jailbreak and Cydia download, you have to make the decision with good care as the jailbreak is only confirmed up to iOS 10.2.1.

Update : iOS 10.3 beta 2 is now released for testing. if you have taken part in the developer or public testing, you can now take a try on upcoming iOS 10.3 and confirm what features it carries to the operating system

TaiG for Cydia Download iOS 10.2.1

TaiG’s Cydia Download iOS 10.2.1 currently addresses iOS 10 - iOS 10.2.1. So anyone managed a successful jailbreak and now reach Cydia install and enjoy with the allowed Cydia tweaks and apps. But if you are in iOS 10.2.1 and try to reach Cydia 10.2.1, you are out of luck this time as Yalu does not bring support above 10.2. So there, those who could not manage downgrade from 10.2.1 are currently trapped for a no jailbreak era while TaiG has promised iOS 10 - iOS 10.2 to bring a big Cydia opportunity. But is that means iOS 10.2.1 jailbreak is impossible?

Not at all. If TaiG is not the tool for 10.2.1, there could be an alternative upgrade as we seen surprising releases in past. So we invite you to keep on wait as iOS hacker would not give up 10.2.1 so easy. Therefore stay tuned for all jailbreak facts and remember that Yalu still only works up to iOS 10.2.

Cydia getting Updated

Seeing a new jailbreak on the horizon, Cydia comes with interesting upgrades. So here are some of the best iOS 10 jailbreak tweaks which you can try with TaiG102 or once Cydia download iOS 10.2.1 confirmed.

  • Horseshoe for Control Center customizing
  • Gorgone for slide over and split view
  • TweetMuter to block unwanted crap from tweeter timeline
  • DarkMessages to add darker effect to message app
  • Evanesco to add cool aesthetic effectCream 2 to colorize toggle buttons in Control Center
  • Littlemoji to make iOS 10 emojis smaller
  • Eclipse to get night mode across your iDevice
  • Barrel to get page to page animation on iOS 10
  • CCTButtonActions to Control Center customization and more
  • These are only a selected piece of Cydia apps and tweaks, but once you get the entry you will see what all makes your iOS smarter. So check this video review.

Once we encounter Cydia Download iOS 10.2.1 updates, we will bring them to your attention soon. So stay signed for jailbreak and Cydia facts.

Sunday, February 12, 2017

Cydia Install iOS 10.2 with CydiaPro

CydiaPro’s Cydia install iOS 10.2.1 tool is now in the public view which considered stable in use. So CydiaPro now confirms the tool is now in a fine state like it going to get finally to the public. If you too like to have a try on Cydia donload iOS 10.2.1 in which is now reached the peak, have a look on my updated post. So here are some notable facts to head Cydia Install iOS 10.2.1 with CydiaPro.

Should you try CydiaPro?

CydiaPro works for iOS 9.3.3 - iOS 10.2.1 covering all 64 bit and 32 bit idevices. But as seen in the in the initial build, CydiaPro still pass over the devices before iPhone 5. Although this was not explained by rumors, it is assumed as a result of a hardware security feature in old device build. But as what now the developer says, this too going to be changed by adding support for older idevices and iOS releases before iOS 9.3.3. So let’s wait as they still have time to make changes in CydiaPro.

CydiaPro seems stable in processing by now. And it currently works as a untethered Cydia download iOS 10.2.1 similar to what we are previously offered with Taig download. So it required Cydia impactor download together with the IPA to work through a desktop PC. And as it is a hybrid version of both TaiG and CydiaPro, it has made a better Cydia install iOS 10.2.1 tool.

Cydia Install iOS 10.2.1

Having said of CydiaPro, Cydia started getting updated. So seen CydiaPro in peak of the stable releases, we can now find many notable iOS 10.2.1 Cydia apps and tweaks added with iOS 10.2.1 support. If you are too interested of getting Cydia install iOS 10.2.1, check out these interesting apps and tweaks designed for iOS 10 downloads.

  • Horseshoe - Tweak worth $1.99 to take the multi page Control Center in iOS 10.x to single page control
  • Eclipse 4 - To get a system-wide night mode effect across all of your iOS 10.x iPhone or iPad’s applications
  • Noctis - The Tweak worth $2.00 in Cydia download which adds dark effect to your iOS device
  • CCRecord - Simple and free tweak which comes with a shortcut to Control Center for those who need recording your iPhone’s screen
  • CCLow Power - This too comes as a tweak for the Control center getting the hidden Low Power Mode toggle in Control Center for easier switch
  • Evanesco - This is another free jailbreak tweaks to make your iDevice more in aesthetic value. It applies once your device is idle
  • Cream 2 - This is another free Cydia tweak for iOS 10.x to colorize your Control center
  • Creamless - Opposed to the Cream 2, this tweak can take the color effect away from the toggles buttons
  • Littlemoji - If you not happy with the bigger emoji feature in iOS 10.x, you can use this tweak to get smaller emojis like what you had in iOS 9 times
  • Cuttlefish - Free Cydia tweak that colorizes your 3D Touch menu together with the blurred background as to the app icon color you are using
  • Gorgone - A cool addition in Cydia installs which enables Slide Over and Split View on unsupported devices, which Apple has introduced in newest device model.

As above, you will find a lot more inspiring recommendations to get with Cydia install iOS 10.2.1. So try CydiaPro to Cydia download iOS 10.2.1. If you have already managed CydiaPro, you can update them again through new updates by the developers to get more latest iOS 10.2.1 Cydia apps.